Each External Generator Log record has related child records of the Transaction object that store more detailed information on generated documents. Each generated document has its own Transaction record. Additionally, each Transaction record has related child records of the Signature object, which stores information on Signing Parties taking part in the Signing Process.

  1. Transaction Name – auto created name of the record.
  2. External Generator Log – parent record.
  3. Template Configuration – related Template Configuration record.
  4. Merge To Single Document – field indicating whether or not the document has been merged.
  5. Document was deleted – field indicating if the document has been deleted and then restored.
  6. Document Name – name of the document defined on the related Template Configuration record.
  7. Document Extension – format of the generated document.
  8. Document URL – link redirecting Users to the record page of the Content Document record page of the generated document.
  9. Can be signed without reviewing – Aveneer Signature setting allowing Users to sign generated documents without the review.
  10. Transaction Finished – field indicating if the re-try generation process has ended.
  11. Status – status of the Transaction record.
  12. Actions Status – status of the post-generation actions.
  13. Status Code
  14. Next Retry – time of the next re-generation attempt
  15. Retry Count – number of re-generation attempts
  16. Error Message
  17. Manual Tokens – Manual Tokens detected in the docx template