Aveneer Report Picker is a component allowing users to generate documents based on Salesforce Reports.

  1. Report Folder – Select the source folder of the report.
  2. Report Name – Select the report you wish to use for document generation. Only simple table reports, without any groupings, can be selected. Selected report has to include at least 1 column with ID value.
    After selecting the report, the total number of records will be displayed. Clicking on the View Report button will redirect users to the report page.
  3. Sort Column/Sort Order – users are able to sort the selected report. If the report contains more than 2000 records, the way the report is sorted will have an effect on which records will be selected for document generation – only the first 2000 records will be picked.
  4. Id Column – if the selected report has more than 1 ID column, users are able to select which ID column will be used for document generation.
  5. Mode – Users can choose from 2 modes of document generation: Basic & Advanced.
    Basic – Users can select from the picklist only 1 active Template Configuration for the selected ID column.
    Advanced – Users can opt to generate documents from the Template Selection page which will be opened in a new tab. Records included in the report will be transferred onto the Template Selection page.
  6. Report Preview – Preview displaying first 15 records of the selected report.