Aveneer Admin with an account on the https://ave.getavenir.com/ site can access their Admin Panel after logging in using credentials established during account creation. The Admin Panel has 3 main tabs: Users, Orgs, and Settings.

1. Users – within this tab an Admin will have the ability to see how many documents have been generated so far per user across all orgs registered under that user.

By clicking “Settings”, a Whitelist expiration date and maximum number of generated documents per user can be defined.
Aveneer Admin panel supports multiple admins functionality. Each registered user can have a User or Admin role assigned. Note that only the Admin role will grant full access to the Aveneer Admin panel. Users with the User role will only have the ability to add new orgs or delete the ones they have previously authorized.

2. Orgs – in the Orgs tab an Admin is able to see how many documents per user per org have been generated so far.

3. Settings – under the Settings tab an Admin has the ability to define the amount of generated documents before exceeding the limit. Reaching the limit will trigger an email notification. Notification body can also be defined in this tab.