This page contains frequently asked questions regarding the Aveneer app. Don’t see answer to your problem? Use the Search in the page header or contact us at

Document Generation

What file formats are supported for generated documents?
Aveneer supports both docx & pdf formats.
Is there a limit to the number of records/documents that can be processed at once?
The number depends on the complexity of utilized Template Configuration records. Aveneer can process up to around 800-1000 documents/records in a single generation process.
Can I preview documents before generating them?
Preview functionality is available either on the Template Configuration record page, in form of a button, or on the Template Selection page under the "eye" icon.
Can I generate documents in bulk?
Aveneer supports mass document generation:
- from the Record Page when multiple Template Configurations are available for the selected record;
- from the List View of the selected object;
- from the Aveneer Report Picker tab/component;
- from Apex.
Can I track the status of generated documents?
Status of generated documents can be tracked through corresponding ave__External_Generator_Log__c records. Every External Generator Log record will have a related ave__Transaction__c record for each generated document within that Log. On the Transaction record there is an ave__Status__c field which reflects the current status of the selected, generated document. Reports based on these objects can be created.
How are errors handled during document generation?
Any error that occurs during document generation process is logged in two locations withing the Aveneer app:
- on the corresponding Transaction record in the ave__Error_Message__c field;
- in the Error Logs tab.
If an error occurs during generation of a merged document, then the document is not generated/returned to SF. If the generation process fails during mass generation of individual files, then only those documents which Transaction.Status field is not equal to "Succeeded" are not returned to SF.
What happens if I try to generate a document but do not have access to specific tokens?
Appropriate setting in Custom Metadata Type section controls this behavior. One of two options can be selected:
- document is generated with a blank space in place of a token to which current User doesn't have access to;
- error message appears informing the current User about missing access to one of the tokens used by the utilized Template Configuration.
Can Aveneer be used in the Console view of Salesforce?
Yes, Aveneer is compatible with Console apps.

Document Templates

Can I customize document templates according to my organization’s branding?
Generated documents are based on docx templates, uploaded into ave__Template_Configuration__c records, and they retain their layout & formatting.
Is there a limit to the number of templates that can be created?
Currently, other than for the Free Trial, the number of ave__Template_Configuration__c records per org is not limited.
Can I use different date and number formats in my templates, specific for my country?
Date & Number (Number, Percent & Currency field types) tokens can have further formatting added to accommodate different requirements.
How do I include dynamic fields in the file name?
Aveneer Tokens, like {{NAME}}, can be inserted into the DocumentName field of the ave__Template_Configuration__c object. It should be noted that Aveneer Tokens inserted into the DocumentName field have to be included in the uploaded docx template.
Generated document has different formatting than my template. What could be the reason?
Aveneer server utilizes open source Libre Office software to generate documents. Any difference between uploaded template & generated documents might be caused by the difference in how the document is processed between MS Word & Libre Office. Such incident should be reported via Aveneer Support Jira.
Why generated documents have a font different than the on used in docx template?
Aveneer server utilizes an open source LibreOffice software for document generation. If generated documents have font different than the one utilized in docx template it may mean that the selected font is not available in LibreOffice app. In such case please contact our team as it might be possible to add the missing font. 
Is there a version control feature for document templates?
ave__Template_Configuration__c object has a child object called ave__Template_Configuration_History__c. Every time there is a change in Template Configuration setup, a new child record is created where Aveneer Admins can access the configuration details in form of a JSON.

Assignment Rules

What are Assignment Rules and how can I use them?
Aveneer Assignment Rules is an additional object related to a parent Template Configuration record. It allows Aveneer Admins to define certain criteria that have to be met for the Template Configuration to become available for document generation. It's been design to function as an additional filter to minimize the number of End User's mistakes made during document generation.
How are Assignment Rules evaluated?
The Assignment Rules criteria are evaluated against each record selected for document generation. Logic of the Assignment Rule's criteria evaluation decides if the selected record passes the evaluation.
What are the Assignment Rule contexts?
Assignment Rules can be evaluated in different contexts - insert trigger, update trigger or manual. Selecting the evaluation's context is required. 
What if there are multiple Assignment Rules related to Template Configuration record and only of them is fulfilled?
If there are multiple Assignment Rules related to a parent Template Configuration record, only of them has to be fulfilled for the Template Configuration to become available for document generation.

Data Storage

How is my Salesforce data processed and stored during document generation?
When document generation process is initiated, Aveneer sends a request containing SF data to our server. There, documents are generated and returned back to Salesforce. Once a document generation process is completed, we no longer store Salesforce data on the server.
The only exception are documents that require signature. Those are stored until either all signatures are collected or the mark of 90 days. After that they are removed from the server.
How are generated documents stored in Salesforce?
By default, individual documents are stored on the Notes & Attachment related list of the record selected for document generation, whereas merged documents are saved in the Files object. However, it is possible to specify saving location using ApiProxy method.

Process Automation

Can I automate the document generation process?
Document generation can be automated through exposed APIs. It can be invoked either by custom code or automated processes like Salesforce Flow.
Can I use Aveneer in flows or other Salesforce automations?
Yes, document generation can be invoked by either Salesforce Flow or custom code.


Are signatures gathered in the signing process legally binding?
Electronic signature solution available in Aveneer adheres to the requirements for a “simple electronic signature” (SES), as defined by the EU requirements set in the eIDAS Regulation. You can read more about it here.
Who can be set as a Signing Party?
Aveneer Admins can define a Signing Party in 3 different ways:
- User - a fixed record of a SF Object (any object can be added in Aveneer Custom Metadata Types)
- Object - a record from a lookup field of the record selected for document generation
- External User - Signing Party from outside of the organization
How many Signing Parties are allowed per template?
Number of Signing Parties per template is currently not limited. However using a large number of signature tokens in a single template may influence the number of documents generated in a single batch, as well as speed of document generation and signing process.
Can I use initials as my signature?
Aveneer Signature does not currently support Initials functionality. However, Manual Tokens can be utilized as a workaround.
Manual Tokens can be inserted anywhere within the docx template. Regardless of the number of such Manual Tokens, the Signing Party will have to populate the Manual Token with the initials only once. Aveneer will do the rest and insert those initials into every detected Manual Token with matching name. If such Manual Token is inserted in the footer section of the document, then on each generated page that token will be inserted automatically.
How can a Signing Party keep track of the signing process?
Signing Parties from outside the organization can only keep track of the signing process via Email Notifications containing links to the Aveneer Sign Page. Users from within the organization have access to the Documents tab where they can find the list of all documents awaiting their signatures.
What is the Branch Config object?
Branch Config is an Aveneer Object related to the parent Template Configuration object. It contains basic information displayed on the Aveneer Sign page. It also has a child Notification object with records defining Email Notifications that are sent out during the signing process.
How is my Salesforce data processed and stored during signature process?
Documents that require signature are stored on the server until either all signatures are collected, or the mark of 90 days is reached. After that they are removed from the server.
How are signed documents stored in Salesforce?
By default, individual documents are stored in the Notes & Attachment related list of the record selected for document generation, whereas merged documents are saved in Files object. However, it is possible to specify saving location using ApiProxy method.